Quests for a Big Company in Mykolaiv
Quests for a large company - for those who have grown out of the "four against the quest" format. In such locations there is usually a lot of space, a lot of fear, a lot of mysteries, and actors also drop in - this format is very suitable for performance.
When it feels like a small space is already crowded and it's time for you to go to the next level, it's time to expand your team and embark on a new adventure.
Квесты для большой компании в Николаеве
Wrong turn
PerformanceMysterious Island
QuestAlone at Home
QuestThe Addams Family
QuestHouse of the Dragon
PerformanceЗомби-апокалипсис Closed
QuestЗагадка "Наутилуса" Closed
QuestШерлок Холмс в поисках невесты Closed
QuestСекта Closed
QuestЧародей Closed
QuestCinemaddict Closed
QuestГраф Монте-Кристо Closed
PerformanceИгра Closed
QuestМастерская да Винчи Closed
QuestMystery of the Millionaire Closed
QuestМальчишник Closed
QuestЗавещание Closed
QuestОперация Kugelblitz Closed
QuestЛабиринт гнома Closed
QuestВеликолепный век Closed
QuestNikolaev mystical, or guests from the past Closed
City QuestTwo Kingdoms Closed
Role-playing QuestSuperheroes Closed
Role-playing QuestSoap opera Closed
Role-playing QuestPsychiatric Hospital Closed
Role-playing QuestUnknown Planet Closed
Role-playing QuestExam for Mowgli Closed
City QuestСокровище пиратов Closed
Quest AnimationСпасатели душ Closed
Quest AnimationТайны Джинджер Тауна Closed
QuestHouses and People of the Сity N. Letter to a Respected Person Closed
City QuestЗолотая лихорадка Closed
Quest AnimationАгент Желтый: спасти мир! Closed