Quests for Schoolchildren in Mykolaiv
Increasingly, during the school holidays, there are bursts of activity in quests: teachers bring their wards and play quests with them with pleasure.
The variety of quests for schoolchildren is amazing: here you can plunge into the historical plot, and play a quest based on your favorite book. Parents are happy to come to play with their children too, because sometimes elementary school students really need the help of adults in solving riddles, but they can handle most with pleasure on their own.
Квесты для школьников в Николаеве
Alone at Home
QuestThe Addams Family
QuestHouse of the Dragon
QuestЗомби-апокалипсис Closed
QuestАмитивилль Closed
QuestИгра Closed
QuestЛабиринт гнома Closed
QuestТайны Джинджер Тауна Closed
QuestExam for Mowgli Closed
City QuestA Fatal Accident, or the Secret Activity of the Nikolaev Consuls Closed
City QuestHouses and People of the Сity N. Letter to a Respected Person Closed
City QuestNikolaev mystical, or guests from the past Closed
City QuestЗолотая лихорадка Closed
Quest AnimationSecrets of Wildlife Closed
City QuestTwo Kingdoms Closed
Role-playing QuestSuperheroes Closed
Role-playing QuestСокровище пиратов Closed
Quest AnimationСпасатели душ Closed
Quest AnimationАгент Желтый: спасти мир! Closed
QuestSchool of Magic Closed
Role-playing QuestHouse with the Ghosts Closed
Role-playing QuestOn the Trail of Ancient Treasures Closed
City QuestUrban Adventure. The Race of the Colonialists Closed
City QuestДомовенок Кузя Closed
QuestOperation Mr. Snail Closed
City QuestПропавший лесничий Closed
QuestLost Kingdom Closed
QuestПоследний выживший Closed
QuestОстров Попугая Closed
QuestОграбление века Closed
QuestПсихушка Closed
QuestAngry Birds Closed
QuestMission Impossible: Virus Threat Closed